It’s Saturday Night – time for lots of Genealogy Fun from Randy Seaver!

by Sherry Stocking Kline
November 14, 2009

Here, thanks to Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings, is your Saturday Night Genealogy Fun writing mission, if you decide to accept it (cue the Mission: Impossible music…):

1. What is the Nicest Thing another genealogist did for you, or to you, in the last week or so? (If you have no examples for this past week, go back in time – surely someone has done a nice thing for you in recent years!).

2. Tell us about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, in a comment on Facebook, or in a tweet on Twitter.

In the past few weeks, two Twitter friends helped me navigate the rocky-for-me road of how to ‘do stuff’ on my WordPress blog!

I tweeted for help…

In late September, I tweeted for help in finding a Blog Roll so I could add other folks blog addresses to my blog!

And GeneaBloggers (@geneabloggers on Twitter) tweeted me the instructions for how to do it, then tweeted me a “why don’t you blog about it message later.” (I still plan to!)

It took @geneabloggers about six tweets at 140 characters to send me the info, but the instructions were perfect.

I found the Blog Roll I wanted, and next thing you know, I had a blog roll on my blog! Woo Hoo!  Thanks, GeneaBloggers!  Now, I just need to find the time to add everyone’s blog on there.

Yesterday, I followed a link…

Just yesterday, I followed a link on Twitter from @Bonnie67 that led me to her  post at Bonnie67′s. (Bonnie isn’t a genealogist, yet, but I’m ‘recruiting’ her.)

Bonnie had a link to a music video, the very same song by Sam the Sham and the Pharoah’s that I wished I could have added to my first Saturday Night Genealogy Fun post.

When I mentioned that I wished I knew how to post music video’s on my site, Bonnie got busy and wrote a blog post to show me how!

Awesome!     Thanks, Bonnie!

And though this was a long time ago and I’d have to dig through a lot of old genealogy to find her name, there was a wonderfully kind woman who was the first woman I wrote to to try to find information about my husband’s Kline family.

This wonderful woman looked up some information in the newspaper, located a description about the farm animals owned, crops grown, and the orchard on the farm, and found information about the two children of James and Elizabeth Kline that had passed away while they lived there.

I was able to locate some information at the library in Wichita that helped her out some, too, information that told her that some of her family had been founding members in the small cattle town that was Wichita in its early days.

It was the help from this woman, and others like her that helped me have those early successes in piecing together the family histories that weave together and make up the fabric of who our family is, and fueled my desire to learn more, and more.

Thank you!

4 Responses to “It’s Saturday Night – time for lots of Genealogy Fun from Randy Seaver!”

  • Sherry thanks so much for the GeneaBloggers shout out! And for demonstrating to the genealogy community the power of social networking tools like blogging and Twitter!

    • Thank You, Thomas! I’ve been so lucky/fortunate/grateful at all the help and encouragement I’ve received from other genealogists and bloggers on Twitter and Facebook! Genealogists are The Most Helpful Folks! And thank you for all your help and encouragement!

  • Hello

    thanks for the shout out.
    I’m glad i could help you.

    Since I’m not from Kansas where
    would i being to find out about
    my family? I know where my mom’s
    home town was and her madden name.
    I know my dad’s name and my grand dad’s
    name. My home is New York.

    • Thank you for the great comments, and especially for taking time to help me post the music video on my blog! I am always excited (and very grateful) to learn new computer skills!

      I’m going to Tweet the answers to your other questions, and also turn it into a blog post! Hope that is o.k., but I imagine someone else can benefit from the answers!

      I have to warn you, genealogy is a very fun, very Addictive hobby!

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